I waited a long time to have a baby. Life circumstances had put that dream on hold for a while. I later found my wonderful husband and we both decided we wanted to begin having a family. We were thirty-five at this time and we were excited to begin having children.
I had a healthy pregnancy and was very blessed to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. My life was like a dream. I was amazed at my new baby and was excited to bounce back from my pregnancy. Even though my new role as a mother was all encompassing I remember planning my running comeback by placing a big star on the calendar six weeks after my daughters’ birth. My goal was to get back to running as soon as I could.
Months of asking questions led to a diagnosis of a minor form of pelvic organ prolapse called a cystocele. My bladder had herniated. I had never heard of this. At least I wasn’t going crazy. Although it was too minor of a prolapse for surgery I wanted it fixed at this time. I wanted my old body back. It was too uncomfortable to run. I played the waiting game and hoped for the discomfort to go away.
Twenty months later I did feel better. The pinching sensation was less frequent and I was due to have my second daughter. I could never have been prepared for how much worse my prolapse became. I was very aware of my healing during the traditional six week post pregnancy phase. I eased my worry about the symptoms I was experiencing by cloaking the discomfort of my worsened pelvic organ prolapse within the tenderness mothers feel after the birthing process.
No more running for me but riding a bike for the first time since I was eight years old. My husband had to hold the seat and run behind me! I am still afraid of being clipped in the clips but I know I can do it! I will never forget this day. My daughters’ cheered me on from the sidewalk, “Go, Mommy!”
And it is okay. More than okay. It’s better than ever!